Progress on the game | DevLog #1


Now that I’ve looked back, the prototype doesn’t fully communicate what I wanted to show. Even so, there’s a lot that haven’t been done before I can even begin to address that issue. The whole structure of the code and the project is problematic.

  • For example, the Enemies, a single Enemy is a single class, this might seemed good, but for example if you have 3 enemies, Enemy A,B, and C. Enemy A can shoot, Enemy B can throw grenades, and Enemy C can shoot AND throw grenades. If all of them are in a single class, then there will be copied codes from Enemy A and B in Enemy C. That’s one of the problem.
  • And then the Life Steal, It’s directly integrated with the Health system, I just put a single tag to that Health class when someone is hit with the life steal. What if I wanted to add more systems? Adding more tags? Which mean more IF statements, which means more chance it’s gonna go bad.
  • And the dialogue system, right now there’s a lot of ways you can break the dialogue system, dialogue overlapping with one another (I thought it was a feature when I first created it, now, after seeing it, oh god…)
  • The sound system, since after recording the gameplay trailer, I see that the sound is delayed by a couple of miliseconds, but it’s not Unity’s fault though, that problem is in how I structure the sound system (explain). I’m gonna try using fmod to handle my sounds, Unity audio engine is great for simple projects, but when you wanted to be a bit bigger, it’s hard to iterate on.
  • And it needs better UI, right now you can definitely feel the Half-Life feel of the UI, but it doesn’t fit the game, the eye have to go everywhere. So I’ve been thinking of creating a new UI, and I’m still bouncing around ideas (maybe creating the ammo and weapon UI near the crosshair or other things)
  • And finally it needs a better save-load system, I wanted it to be like in Half-Life where you can save and load anywhere. Right now there’s only an autosave, and it saves the current map that you’re playing on. It’s definitely not adequate.


So, I’ve made the decision to start over with a new Unity project, turn over a new leaf.

And here's the progress so far:

  • To fix that first problem I’ve created 4 different base class from that single class. Entity, AI, Weapon and Movement. The Entity will be responsible for anything that happens with that specific Entity (like the manager of sorts for that single Entity), the AI acts like the brain, Weapon is the attacks that it’ll do, and the Movement handles that entity’s movement.
  • And I’ve also able to make a buff system, since later on in the game I would want to have enemies that maybe either slows down the player or maybe like block the Life Steal effect, I’m not sure. And with this new Buff System I can easily make new Gameplay effects now.
  • I’ve also streamlined the whole projectile system, previously the enemies and player have different projectile system, now I’ve integrated them into one.
  • I’ve reworked the Input System. With Rewired it has the possibility for Controller support now, previously it’s very hardwired with the keyboard, and if I wanted to do anything with a controller I have to hard code it myself…
  • I’ve also improved a bit in the aiming, there’s like a very small delay from where you move the mouse to how it actually looks ingame, it’s even more felt when you have a low framerate.


And in two weeks, those are the things that I’ve been able to do.

I mean there are other stuff, I’ve updated some models (Horatio got a beard now), a small shader changes, but it’s nowhere near to the point of the previous prototype. The previous prototype is much more of a game than the current build right now. And I don’t think I’ll be able to make it in the next two weeks. So I’ll be posting these devlogs once a month, and I’ll post animation content every other bi-week. I think that should be more manageable, I’ll be able to post more progress of the game that way. Things I could be proud of that happens in the game. So, stay tuned and thank you for your time.

There isn't a new build yet, since the rework isn't done. But I'll try to post update on this game on a timely basis.


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